Family Resources

Gilead families compiled the following packet of useful resources for family members of Gilead clients. We are here to support you in your family member’s path to recovery. Feel free to contact us at 860-343-5300 if you have any questions.

CT Chapter NAMI: A nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization for consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses.

Connecticut Clearinghouse: Behavioral Health Directory contains a comprehensive listing of Connecticut-based program offerings.

Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc. (CLRP): An independent, nonprofit agency, which advocates for low income adults who have, or are perceived to have, a psychiatric disability. CLRP is separate from the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS).

Advocacy Unlimited Inc.: Contains links to numerous helpful sites.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): A nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses.

National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors: A nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the needs of the nation’s public mental health system through policy development, information dissemination, and technical assistance

National Institute of Mental Health: Offers cutting edge, scientific research on mental health issues.

Mental Health Recovery: Very consumer friendly information.

Online book with great chapters on mental health issues and treatments

SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration): Works to improve the quality and availability of substance abuse prevention, addiction treatment, and mental health services.

Find drug or alcohol abuse treatment programs click here.

KUHN: Helps individuals with disabilities to participate in community employment through assessment, job development, on-the-job training, and on-the-job supports. Kuhn works with more than 300 people annually, primarily in Central Connecticut and Middlesex County.

United Labor: The ULA’s mission is to meet the off-the-job human service and vocational needs of workers and their families. Serving youth, adults and elderly of Connecticut.

Bureau of Rehabilitation Services: State agency whose mission is to create opportunities that allow individuals with disabilities to live and work independently

The Family Involvement Packet includes more information about Gilead, mental health and common diagnoses and important resources for families.



Infoline: 2-1-1: An integrated system of help via a toll free phone call – a single source for information about community services, referrals to human services, and crisis intervention. It is accessed toll-free from anywhere in Connecticut by simply dialing 2-1-1. It operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Multilingual caseworkers and TDD access is available.


Department of Social Services: Offers a comprehensive list of state entitlements.